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Can I take a wechat e-cigarette with me on the plane?

Clicks:32 Update time:2021-09-24

Nowadays, e-cigarettes have increasingly become the "daily necessities" that young people must bring when they go out. Many people like to take a breath anytime, anywhere. They buy cigarette oil through wechat and cigarette oil to meet their smoking needs. Many e-cigarette lovers also believe that the National prohibition and control of e-cigarettes are not aimed at e-cigarettes. They believe that e-cigarettes are atomizing equipment and are not really obligatory cigarettes. These prohibitions have nothing to do with smoking e-cigarettes. In fact, the illegal use of e-cigarettes is not uncommon on aircraft, and shows a growing trend.

On November 8, 2020, sc4935 Xiamen - Jingdezhen flight, a male passenger was released after being criticized and educated by the safety officer for using electronic cigarettes. On January 22, 2020, sc4706 Zhuhai Hefei flight, a passenger using an electronic cigarette was handed over to the public security organ by the crew.

The author provides popular science for tourists from the following aspects:

In terms of law, the notice of the Public Security Bureau of the Civil Aviation Administration of China on maintaining civil aviation order and ensuring air transportation safety also expressly stipulates that "smoking (including electronic cigarettes)" is clearly listed as one of the prohibited acts on board the aircraft.

If the passenger violates the provisions of the notice, the public security organ will give warning, fine and detention in accordance with the regulations of the people's Republic of China on civil aviation security; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the criminal law of the people's Republic of China; If property losses are caused to units or individuals, they shall be liable for compensation according to law.

In terms of morality, the aircraft is both a public area and a sealed space, so the requirements for air quality are particularly high. The aerosol produced by e-smoke contains many toxic and harmful substances, so the second-hand smoke is also harmful. Your momentary cheerfulness brings bad feelings to the flight experience of other orderly passengers, which is detrimental to public morality, It is an act of moral anomie.

In terms of safety, first of all, the electronic cigarette uses lithium batteries. The risk of lithium battery explosion is very high on the aircraft, and the structure of some electronic cigarettes is also defective in design. This electronic cigarette battery has no safety circuit protection and is prone to explosion during high-power discharge. In recent years, there are many news about electronic cigarette explosion. Secondly, like other cigarettes, e-cigarettes will release a large amount of smoke when used, and the aircraft is equipped with a smoke alarm. If the alarm is triggered, it will directly affect the aircraft safety and even cause the aircraft to make a forced landing.

In addition, I would like to remind you that the civil aviation administration implements the blacklist system. If you are treated for smoking (including e-cigarettes) on the aircraft, you will face the consequences of banning flying!

Finally, I hope you can put away your cigarettes and e-cigarettes when taking the plane, abide by the relevant regulations of air transportation, and never challenge the authority of the law and the safety of flight. The Spring Festival transportation is coming. Let's enjoy the relaxation and pleasure of the journey itself. (Han Mingzhe, correspondent of civil aviation network of China)



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